As many of you know, Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte Region has a partnership with the “We Honor Veterans” program, a joint initiative of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and the Department of Veteran Affairs. Comprised of five levels, HPCCR has achieved Partner Level Five, the highest recognition of this program. The Covid-19 pandemic has continued to give us opportunities to think creatively about how we can continue to meet the needs of our Veterans, both those under our care and in the community at large.
On behalf of the We Honor Veterans Initiative, I’m asking for your participation by donating new toiletry and hygiene products (please see the flyer below for specifics) as well as individually packaged snacks such as sandwich crackers, trail mix, granola bars, etc. We have identified 4 organizations in our immediate service area that have programs that support Veterans, so all donated items will be divided amongst them. There will be collection boxes at all office locations as well as Levine & Dickson Hospice House - Huntersville and Levine & Dickson Hospice House at Aldersgate if you’d like to drop off some items to contribute! Donations will be collected until Friday, March 4 and distributed the following week.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, and thank you in advance for your support!

Elise Hurst
Director of Volunteer Services
Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte Region
704.375.0100 x6413