It has been our experience that each patient’s journey is unique. Death will come in its own time and in its own way...
Caring for a loved one who is entering the last phase of his/her life can be both overwhelming and challenging for you and your family. The clinical teams of Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte Region (HPCCR) have compiled this information to help you and your loved one prepare for, and cope with, the symptoms of approaching death.
It is our hope that you will learn and benefit from our experiences with others who have died under our care. We also want you to know that, by choosing to participate in this experience, you can truly make a difference in the last months, weeks, and days of your loved one’s life.
The information provided in the booklet, "The Final Journey" describes how the body prepares for the final journey. Some individuals experience all of these symptoms, while others do not. It has been our experience that each patient’s journey is unique. Death will come in its own time and in its own way. However, you may take comfort in knowing that your presence throughout this process will provide enormous reassurance to your loved one.
Our teams are here to assist and support you in any way that we can during this time. After you have reviewed the information in this booklet, please contact a member of our staff or your care team with any questions you may have at 704.375.0100.
“You matter because
you are you,
and you matter
to the last moment
of your life.
We will do all we can
not only to help you
die peacefully,
but also to live
until you die.”