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VIA Health Partners - Formerly Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte Region
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National Nursing Assistants Week - A Special Message from the CEO

This week, we are honored to celebrate all of our amazing nursing assistants at Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte Region (HPCCR) from June 17th – 24th for National Nursing Assistants Week. You are role models for this year’s theme: “Nursing Assistants: Kindness in Action.”

On behalf of our entire team, our patients, and their families, we thank our special care assistants who provide compassionate support through their daily hands-on care. A cheerful hello or a kind touch can make a world of difference, and you do that every day.

We could not provide our incredible end-of-life care services without your support. You have a positive impact every day with your words of encouragement and physical daily tasks of care, to brighten the lives of our patients and families.

This year has brought new hurdles from the pandemic impact that limited family and caregiver access. We appreciate how you have continued to nurture our patients and meet their daily physical care needs.

Please accept our sincere appreciation for all that you do!

Kind regards,

Peter A. Brunnick

President & CEO

Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte Region

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