Did you know that today is National Call Your Doctor Day?
While the day has not yet reached ‘Hallmark status,’ it certainly raises awareness of the importance of regular medical care for those fortunate enough to have access. There are all kinds of reasons not to do it, especially for those who have fears or anxiety about what a doctor might say. But calling your doctor is one of the best gifts you can give to those who love you. In my role as a health care chaplain and grief counselor, I have heard family members say over and over how they wish their loved one would have called their doctor sooner. Anything a doctor might find is true whether you know about it or not, so please consider giving yourself and your family the gift of knowing what you need to know to maintain optimum health.
"In my role as a health care Chaplain and Grief Counselor, I have heard family members say over and over how they wish their loved one would have called their doctor sooner."
On the other hand, while bad news could be possible, a call to your doctor could be an opportunity to hear how well you are doing; especially if you are considering a new exercise program or undertaking a big event like running a race or embarking on a picturesque hike. Doctors want you to be healthy and they are willing to partner with you to achieve any goals you might have to improve your health.

The last reason to call your doctor today would be simply to say thanks. Doctors spend years obtaining their education and their on-call hours are horrendous at times. In many ways, being a doctor is harder than ever. So, don’t be afraid to pick up the phone just to say ‘thank you- I appreciate you.’ You probably won’t get through, but leave a message. It will bring a smile to the doctor as well as the person who has the privilege of giving them the message. So… that’s it… I have to go call my doctor 😊